Composite Products
There are industries (like furniture and fixtures) where businesses are storing, handling, and distributing products composed of individual parts or components that may be stored and manipulated separately from one another. Since these components comprise the final distributed and sold product, their full set is treated as a single product and must be managed accordingly. fully supports the Composite Products feature to meet all needs and help overcome all challenges when dealing with composite products.
Examples of Composite Products
The furniture manufacturing and distribution businesses are just some key examples of industries that rely heavily on composite products to run their operations. Furniture and fixture items are typical products which require an ERP-CRM system that is fully capable of defining, managing, and selling such products.
Many other businesses, like those trading desktop and server configurations, HVAC (heat, ventilation, and air conditioning), and windows and doors mechanisms and systems, necessitate proper business management solutions and strategies just as much.
Implementing Composite Products into WMS
The Warehouse Management System of provides complete and integrated support for handling and managing composite products. The system provides all necessary means to fulfill all kinds of orders and tasks associated with handling and managing composite products, accompanied by their related documentation.
WMS is capable of breaking down requisitions for composite products to generate new orders for executing operations with their components.
Availabilities for all components of composite products can be tracked in real-time by the help of the built-in Warehouse Availabilities Report functionality.
Levels of Control for Composite Products in WMS of
WMS introduces several levels of control which can be set for proper and controlled task execution when working with composite products:
Level 50 - Check all
This is the highest and therefore the most restrictive level. Requires all products to be scanned or entered by product code for every piece. The component products and product quantities must exactly match those in the composite product's definition, otherwise the system prevents order fulfillment.Level 40 - Check all + Allow incomplete finish
Same as level 50, but the application provides an option to still fulfill the order even when they do not match.Level 30 - Just preview totals
The mobile app displays a summarized view of all products and quantities for the selected order, available for counting or checking, and does not require scanning or entering by product code.Level 20 - Check and complete
The system checks if the whole order execution exactly matches the composite product's definition when a kit/dekit execution is attempted. A warning is shown when differences are detected, and the check is unsuccessful.Level 10 - Autocomplete
The system automatically executes the kit/dekit operation if all component lines are fulfilled and exactly match the composite product's definition.
During fulfillment, these levels of control define the rules and allowances which the worker is facing to carry out the job. Various levels of control result in different restrictions to how orders in the WMS Worker mobile app may be carried out.
This methodology mitigates the risks of human errors prior to shipping.