The presales module is used to manage the presales process.
Deals (Opportunities)
Activity → Opportunity → Offer → Sales Order → Invoice Order → Invoice
The deals in the Crm.Presales.Deals Entity are used to manage sales opportunities to new or existing customers.
Deal is synonymous to opportunity.
The deals:
- Have appointed sales representative, managing the deal.
- Do not have line items. They are used to manage deals, which are still not clear enough to detail at this level.
- Have a percentage probability of success. The percentage is set by the sales representative, based on their own judgement.
- Have expected sales revenue.
- Have expected close date.
Based on the data above, the team leaders and sales managers have instant and clear visibility over the sales processes.
The deals are usually initially created based on @General.Contacts.Activities. However, once a deal is created, it can be used to create many more sub-activities to manage related tasks.
Offers (quotes)
Activity → Opportunity → Offer → Sales Order → Invoice Order → Invoice
The deals documents can be easily transformed into Offers (quotes), which contain detailed line items.
Entries in the Crm.Presales.Offers Entity allows the customer to be presented with optional items. After approving some or all of the optional items, the offer can generate Crm.Sales.SalesOrders Entity in the Sales module.